Friday, May 3, 2019

Buffet-fest 2019: 7 Reasons to be interested.

Tomorrow is the 2019 Annual Meeting of Berkshire-Hathaway Inc.  Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, powered by See’s Candy and Cherry Coke, will dispense wit and wisdom to the investing masses.

Berkshire-Hathaway doesn’t pay a dividend so why does a Dividend Farmer care about Buffett-fest?  Below are 7 reasons I’m interested.

First:  Warren and Charlie have teamed to be one of the best investing duos the world has seen.  If you want to learn, learn from the best.

Second:  The leaders of Berkshire are Value Investors.  One of them, Warren, learned at the feet of Benjamin Graham, the father of Value Investing.  I’ve been reading Ben’s works to become a more Intelligent Investor so I enjoy hearing directly from one of his students.

Third:  Berkshire Class B stock is one of my holdings.  I know.  It doesn’t pay a dividend.  The shares were acquired long before I became a Dividend Farmer and I’ve held them since; well, most of them.  There are no plans to let them go in the foreseeable future.

Fourth:  I get to take a great friend to his first Berkshire event.  He’s excited to go.  I’m excited to hear Mark’s perspective as we take it all in.  I’m definitely looking forward to the adventure.

Fifth:  DQ Dilly Bars.  They’re sold for $1 each on the trade show floor during the meeting.  It’s fun to stroll through the display area taking in the host of Berkshire company offerings while munching on DQ’s frozen treats.

Sixth:  It’s great to experience the power of persistent investing and the effects of compounding over time.  The Berkshire event is a fantastic display of effective, powerful money management and business practices engaged through a remarkable career.  The experience motivates me in my investing efforts.

Seventh:  NetJets and Flight Safety International.  These are two of the companies within the Berkshire fold.  In addition to Dividend Farming, I’m an avid fan of aviation so these are must visit sites.

The list might continue, but this is a blog post – not a buffet, so ’ll close for now.  However, I anticipate more posts related to tomorrow’s Buffett-fest adventure once it's over.  Stay tuned! 

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